Saturday, June 28, 2014


Everyone should know that bullies never win. If you are getting bullied and they are being mean to you just say they are being a baby. Now if you are in high school say they are being childish.
Be relaxed when they are being mean to you because it will take away their fun. They expect you to be scared. Now for internet bulling if you are playing on a server and people on that server are being mean to you or pissing you off, they just think that they are strong because they are behind a screen. But in the real world they might really be cowards. If you are on a server and they are pissing you off their are 2 good ideas. 1,you can try to out smart them which would might not be a success, or 2, you just quit out of the server.                                 I hope my advice will help you!!!!!!!!! :)                                                                               Fight that bully off of you. :)