Friday, November 13, 2015

Don't Bully People

People get bullied a lot, and everyone knows that it is stupid. Someone can cause somebody to commit suicide from getting bullied so much. And do you really want to bully somebody to death? I don't think so. So for a life lesson from a child, just don't bully people. I get bullied and pushed around at school, and it makes me cry A LOT! I almost cry everyday. It feels like people don't care about my feelings. I really don't like being treated like that. So just never bully someone, because I don't want someone to feel as bad as I do. For example, Amanda Todd, she got bullied and lost all of her friends from someone behind a screen, and killed her self, I will put her life video down below. Amanda Todd had to move to another city, and she still got teased, bullied, and even punched by a girl. Please, I AM BEGGING YOU, DON'T BULLY PEOPLE.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Everyone has a talent, from learning to sports to singing to dancing, you have a talent. I have a talent and that is singing. I was singing since I was 6 years old and I am very good at it. My parents think I am amazing at singing. Actually, a lot of people think I'm good. But, in my class, no one really knows that I sing well, very well. My classmates are noticed by being a great dancer or being good at soccer or basketball or even being a great artist. All of my classmates can see everyones talent in my class except for me and I sing all the time. It is really annoying. But anyway, whenever I go to camp, we have skits and I sing for my skit all of the time. I get a great applause and, yeah. So, everyone has a talent, doesn't matter who you are, you have a talent. Sometimes people won't notice your talent, and sometimes you can't find your talent very quickly. Sometimes you will find your talent as a kid, teenager, young adult, adult, and even maybe an elder.

What is your talent? Comment down bellow.